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During your pre-trading, researching and learning phase as a rookie forex trader, you are bound to come across websites that will tell you how 'easy', 'simple' and wonderfully profitable forex trading is; that there is a pile of money waiting for you to sit on; and that they have a '0% risk method'. Well, they are lying - as you will soon find out during your second, 'trading and losing' phase, as a rookie FX trader. These two phases are essential and inevitable if you want to learn forex trading, particularly the second phase. Everybody loses money trading forex. Over 75% of traders lose ALL their money in the beginning. Regardless of how much you read up on currencies and markets, the courses you buy, the experts you speak to or the hours you spend demo trading, in the real thing, you are bound to lose money. The difference then, between successful traders and downright broke traders is that the successful ones learn how to NOT KEEP LOSING money. And what makes this possible is live trading. Day trading forex live is a relatively new concept meant to help beginners get a grasp on the real thing, with effective hand-holding. A rookie on his own has a slim chance of surviving in the forex market, but a bunch of rookies, led by an expert have a fairly good chance of surviving, and even doing well. This is premise of live forex day trading. With the help of a computer and a good internet connection, you get to be a part of a live trading room over a webinar, held by an expert forex trader, who guides you into the day's activities and trends, helps you out with the analysis, and provides insight into when and how trades were entered into and exited and the choices you can make. There are other traders with you in the live trading room, and you get to see the effects of their trades in real time too. You can trade with a real account, or a demo account, but in a real-time scenario. No doubt, day trading is the closest you can come to surviving the currency market on your own, especially as a beginner. It may prove to be expensive, but the benefits are very real and substantial. You get hands-on experience, expert advice, learn from fellow traders - just the kind of hand-holding you need in the first few months. However, that's not to say every live trading room is going to be good. Reading up on day trading forex live reviews, and looking at what they offer closely is vital to ensuring that you get your money's worth. You have to ensure that you get one expert throughout one session, and more or less the same traders throughout a session too, to give you a real representation of the forex market. All said and done, live trading forex is the best method of learning FX trading, and one you should not miss out on. Adam Woods like many other was once a forex beginner [] and for a period of time went through the expensive learning curve that emptied his bank on numerous occasions. When Adam found World Forex Club they helped him fill in the gaps and his forex strategy [] all started to fit into place for a successful future.
